What is Ati2evxx.exe?
Ati2evxx.exe is designed as a process that used to provide additional configuration options and change settings of your ATI graphics card using keyboard shortcuts, and this file is locate in the C:\Windows or C:\Windows\System32 folder. This file can be regarded as an additional component of the ATI display adapters that fulfill the specific requirements of computer users.
Possible causes of the Ati2evxx.exe error
Low disk space
Conflicts between program and file
Infection by the virus and spyware
Invalid, corrupt or obsolete Windows registry entries
The Ati2evxx.exe file is missing or damaged
Ati2evxx.exe error messages
"Ati2evxx.exe is not working/responding"
"Symantec User Session has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Application Name: Ati2evxx.exe".
"Runtime error: Ati2evxx.exe"
"The Ati2evxx.exe Windows runtime error."
"This application has failed to start to run on Windows because Ati2evxx.exe cannot be found."
"The Ati2evxx.exe is missing."
Why do you need to fix the Ati2evxx.exe error as soon as possible?
Once your computer gets the Ati2evxx.exe error, you'd better learn how to fix it, because the Ati2evxx.exe is a terrible computer error which can generate many computer problems, such as:
System crashes and freezes
Cannot get the additional configuration options
Cannot change the settings of ATI graphics card
BSOD error
Computer is running slowly
How to get rid of the Ati2evxx.exe efficiently and easily?
Solution One: Disable the Ati2evxx.exe process on your computer system
If the Ati2evxx.exe error messages always pop up on your computer, you can disable it from the Task Manager.
1. Press the Ctrl+Alt+Del together to open the Windows Task Manager.
2. Locate the Ati2evxx.exe and then click End Process.
Solution Two: Detect and remove the infected virus
1. Reboot your computer, when the computer is starting, press F8 constantly and then you can see a menu asking how you'd like to boot the computer. Select"Safe Mode".
2. Run a full system scan with your antivirus program or spyware scanner. Being in safe mode will allow the scan to detect and remove more infected objects.
3. When the scan completed, click "Remove".
Solution Three: Uninstall and reinstall the corrupt program
1. Click the Start button and then go to Setting, select Control Panel.
2. Double click the Add/Remove Program.
3. Locate the program which you want to uninstall, and then press Uninstall/Remove button.
4. Download and reinstall a new program from the reliable website.
Solution Four: Fix the Ati2evxx.exe error by repairing the registry problem
Registry plays a vital role in the windows system, it contains all the data about software and program. If there are too many invalid or wasted entry data is stucked inside, your computer will encounter the registry problem. And the corrupt registry is the main cause of the Ati2evxx.exe error, you can try to install a registry repair tool to fix these errors. Fixing the registry problem or Ati2evxx.exe error by manual ways is a waste of time and energy, so, an totally automatic way is the best choice for you.
In a word, running a registry repair tool can easily cease the problem, and the registry repair tool can also speed up your computer.