What is Refiebar.dll?
Refiebar.dll is a non-system process which is a file used by the Windows operating system to allow
the computer user to utilize the Microsoft Office Research Library. Its collection of information services from
Microsoft Internet Explorer. Once this file gets corrupted or misplaced, your computer will get into
What cause Refiebar.dll error?
Fragmentation of related registry files
Invalid entries issue
Dll file is missing or damaged
Related programs have been deleted by mistake
Outdated device driver
Virus, malware or spyware infection
Refiebar.dll error messages
"The File REFIEBAR.DLL is Missing"
"REFIEBAR.DLL Could Not Be Found"
"A Required Dll REFIEBAR.DLL Was Not Found"
"The application has failed to start because REFIEBAR.DLL was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem"
"Error Loading: C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Temp\REFIEBAR.DLL The specified module could not be found"
Why do you need to fix Refiebar.dll error as soon as possible?
Once your computer encounters Refiebar.dll error, you will find that you compute is running slower than before, that's because this error cause many many others computer errors. Such as:
Blue screen of death error
Runtime error
Various dll and exe error
Fail to install or uninstall programs
Malware attacks
System Boot Failure
PC Running Slow Problems
Driver Update Problems
Windows operating system spends too much time to start up
How to get rid of Refiebar.dll error efficiently and quickly?
Solution One:Re-register Refiebar.dll
1. Click the "Start" button, then "Run"
2. Typ in “cmd” or “command”. Enter regsvr32 “path and FileName.dll” at the DOS command prompt
followed by pressing the “enter” key. The path is the actual location of the DLL file or directory on the
computer’s hard or networked drive. ( If your operating system is 64- bit, please relace regsvr64 to regsvr32)
3. type in regsvr32 path and REFIEBAR.DLL in the command list.
4. After the DLL has been successfully registered on the computer, a dialogue box will be
displayed confirming registration.
Solution Two: Remove the virus from your computer
Virus infection can cause Refiebar.dll error, you can try to remove virus directly. Here is
1. Reboot your computer, when the computer is starting, press F8 constantly and then you can see a menu asking
how you'd like to boot the computer. Select"Safe Mode".
2. Run a full system scan with your antivirus program or spyware scanner. Being in safe mode will allow the scan
to detect and remove more infected objects.
3. When the scan completed, click "Remove" button.
3. When the scan completed, click "Remove" button.
Solution Three: Repair the corrupt registry
Registry as the most important component of Windows, it is not a place to store hardware and
software data, it also controls the functionality of all the dll and exe files in your
computer, as a matter of fact, registry corruption problem is often responsible for
Refiebar.dll errors, if you have try out the above solution but turn out the error still
persist, there is a 100% chance your computer registry is problematic which need to be
cleaned and repaired.
In a word, you can easily solve this problem by using reliable registry repair tool, simply
download and install it on your computer, the program would help you fix the registry and
Refiebar.dll error within a few steps.