What is Wldap32.dll?
Wldap32.dll is created as a dynamic link library object that serves as an important component
for your computer Internet connection, it is often used to offer a mechanism for connecting to
search and modify Internet directories. And this file plays an important role in the operation of an
operating system, it can keep your system running smoothly and stably. Once Wldap32.dll file is
missing or damaged, you need to find some efficient ways to fix it.
Common causes of Wldap32.dll
Incorect BIOS setting
Incompatible version of Wldap32.dll
Driver fail to update
Virus infection
Dll file is missing or damaged
Corrupted hardware components
Wldap32.dll error messages
"Wldap32.dll Not Found"
"This application failed to start because wldap32.dll was not found. Re-installing the
application may fix this problem."
"Cannot find [PATH]\wldap32.dll"
"The file wldap32.dll is missing."
"Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: wldap32.dll. Please install
Why do you need to fix Wldap32.dll error as soon as possible?
Wldap32.dll error can cause many computer error, if your computer encounter this error ,
you need to fix it as soon as possible, otherwise, your computer will prompt you some error
messages, such as:
Blue screen of death error
Internet connection hiccupped
Frequent pops up error messages
Annoying the error messages
Computer crashes or freezes
How to fix Wldap32.dll error easily?
Way One: Reinstall the dll module on windows system
Sometimes you have deleted the Wldap32.dll file mistakenly or this file is damaged, your
computer will also pops up the error messages, in this case, you can reinstall the file to
fix it. Here is the steps.
1. Open your brower and then download a new and reliable Wldap32.dll file.
2. Search the Wldap32.dll file on your windows, and move it to the system folder.
3. Click on the Start button and go to Run, type "cmd" in the box.
4. Type “regsvr32Wldap32.dll” in the next box, press Enter.
Way Two: Update your windows system
Sometimes Wldap32.dll error is caused by the problem or associated bugs on the Windows
system, you can try to fix the Wldap32.dll error via updating the windows system to the
newest version. You can follow these steps.
1. Open the Start menu and then go to Setting and open the Control Panel..
2. Here are many icons, and double click the System.
3. Select the Automatic Upgrade.
4. Click the update option you need, and also make sure the Automatic Updates is selected.
5. Click enter and then restart your computer.
Way Three: Repair the registry problem
Frequent Wldap32.dll errors take your PC toward lots of PC hassles. To stay away from these
troublesome Wldap32.dll errors, you can install a registry repair tool, a good registry
repair tool can scan you computer and then fix the registry problem, of course, the registry
cleaner can also clean up the junk file and unnecessary programs on computer. You can try to
install a registry repair tool to fix the Wldap32.exe error.
To sum up, system error is a common problem for many computers, in order to maintain the good
performance of computer system, developing a good habit of computer use and installing a registry error fix tool can speed up your computer.