What is Tasklist.exe?
Tasklist.exe is a non-system file which is a process associated with Microsoft Windows
Operating System from Microsoft Corporation. And Tasklist.exe plays a key role in the
Windows operating system. Tasklist.exe is a vital process which executes dll files and
locates their libraries into windows system's memory.once the Tasklist.exe is corrupted,
you will experience many others computer errors.
Common causes of Tasklist.exe error
Related file is missing or damaged
You have installed some improper programs
Corrupt hardware driver
Windows registry problem
Unknown virus, spyware or malware infection
Problems with the memory chips installed on the computer
Tasklist.exe error messages
"TaskList.exe - Application Error."
"TaskList.exe Not Found"
"This application failed to start because TaskList.exe was not found. Re-installing the
application may fix this problem."
"Cannot find [PATH]\TaskList.exe"
"The file TaskList.exe is missing."
"Cannot start [APPLICATION]. A required component is missing: TaskList.exe. Please install
Why do you need to fix Tasklist.exe error as soon as possible?
Once your computer encounters Tasktlist.exe error, you need to fix it as soon as possible,
otherwise, you will find that your computer is running slower than before, because this
error can generate many computer errors, such as:
Slow system performance problem
Blue screen of death error
Runtime error
Various dll and exe errors
Program lock-ups
How to deal with Tasklist.exe error quickly and efficiently?
Method One: Restore your system
If you find that your computer encounters Tasktlist.exe after you have updated the system,
you can fix this error by restoring the system. Here is how.
1. Click the Start button and then click All program, choose Accessories.
2. And go to System Tools, select System Restore.
3. Choose "restore your computer to previous status", and then click Next.
4. Click Next again to proceed the restoration.
Method Two: Check and Clean virus infection
1. Reboot your computer, when the computer is starting, press F8 constantly and then you can
see a menu asking how you'd like to boot the computer. Select"Safe Mode".
2. Run a full system scan with your antivirus program or spyware scanner. Being in safe mode
will allow the scan to detect and remove more infected objects.
3. When the scan completed, click "Remove".
Method Three: Fix the registry problem
If you tired of the above solutions, and you still fail to fix Tasktlist.exe error, you can
try to fix the registry problem. Registry plays an important role in the system, it contains
the data of the software and program. According to the survey, almost 80% Tasktlist.exe error
cases are caused by the corrupt registry. Installing a powerful registry repair tool is the
best way to fix the registry problem.
To sum up, you can fix Tasktlist.exe error by manual ways, but fixing computer error manually
is a difficult process. If you are an ordinary computer user, you can install a good registry
repair tool to fix Tasktlist.exe error and registry problems. Fixing the registry problem by
a registry repair tool, you can save time and effort.