What is Lockx.exe?
Lockx.exe is a process which is registered as W32/Sdbot-ADD worm., it is a non-system component that offers special services and functions for the associated applications and processes, but sometimes it might cause some error issues on the computer, and your computer will encounter many system errors.
Common causes of Lockx.exe error
Hard disk problem
Dll file is missing or damaged
System registry problem
Virus, malware, spyware infection
Related process is deleted by mistake
Lockx.exe error messages
"File lockx.exe is missing."
"A required DLL, lockx.exe was not found"
"... A required component is missing lockx.exe Please install the application again."
"Windows\System32\ lockx.exe missing or corrupt: Please re-install a copy of the above file."
"Dll Registration: Failed for file C:\WINDOWS\System32\ lockx.exe"
"Error run lockx.exe"
Why do you need to fix Lockx.exe error as soon as possible?
Lockx.exe error can ruin your computer, because Lockx.exe file offers special services and functions for the associated applications and processes. Once you encounter this error, you need to learn some feasible ways to fix it as soon as possible.
Solution One: Download a new Lockx.exe file and install it
1. Open your Internet brower, and then search by using keyword "Lockx.exe" or "Lockx.exe file".
2. Download a new Lockx.exe file from a reliable website.
3. Find the original location of Lockx.exe file and put the file in its normal location (C:\Windows\System32).
4. Restart your computer.
Solution Two: Remove the program and then reinstall it
Sometimes, your computer will encounters Lockx.exe error when you have installed some programs. In this case, you can remove the related program and then reinstall it.
1. Click on Start button on the desktop, and then go to Setting, open the Control Panel.
2. Double click Add/Remove Program button.
3. Choose the program which you want to uninstall, and then select Uninstall/Remove button.
4. Restart your computer after the removal.
5. Download and install a new program from the Internet.
Solution Three: Restore the system to the previous status
If your computer experiences Lockx.exe error after you update the system, you may consider fixing this error by restore the system to the previous status
1. Click on Start button and go to Program.
2. Select the Accessaries, click system tool, and then access the system restore tool to restore your system.
Solution Four: Fix the problematic registry
In order to fix all kinds of error problems on your computer, you also need a powerful registry repair tool, since many errors come from the problematic system registries, repairing the registry error well will work for repairing those errors effectively. Therefore, you can install a good registry repair tool, through scanning the computer system with this tool, it will help you to find out all of existed registry errors on the Windows system, and provide an automatic fixing process to solve these error issues instantly on the computer.
In a word, you can fix Lockx.exe error by manual ways, but the best way to fix this error is installing a good registry repair tool. Registry repair tool can speed up your computer and keep you computer stay away from the virus.